Feminism and me.

I am a feminist. Now what?

What does this mean and how does this influence my thoughts,
values and actions? Do I have to stop wearing bras? Do I rage and rant at men demanding equality? (Which has been known to happen). Do I take to the streets? Should I rush around convincing women to do more, say more, be more? I have all these strong convictions of equality but no idea what do to next. How do I make myself useful and turn these feelings into actions?

In this blog I will explore how feminism impacts my beliefs and how these beliefs ifem blog 2mpact or inspire action. The title ‘Rach’s Ramblings’ represents the journey that these musing will take me on as I work out the implications of my feminist values.

As a girl I was always out to prove myself. I was just as good as, if not better than, my brothers. I refused to acknowledge that they were taller or stronger or faster than me. I still don’t. I would be reckless to prove my bravery, defiant to show my courage and of course, I never, ever admitted to being scared of anything. I became a tomboy and later a bit of a rebel.

Why, when I was blessed with a loving, supportive and educated upbringing did I feel the need to prove myself as a girl? Missing out, even if I didn’t want it in the first place, just because of my gender seemed unfair and unjust. Defying social conventions based on gender for the sake of it has become a bit of a habit. It has seen me spend whole evenings freezing outside by the BBQ, drinking beer and discussing rugby (which I am not the least bit interested in) rather than stay with the women inside (in the warm, with lovely wine).

In this blog I aim to take the next step. To turn passionate but often rather incoherent ideas into direct thought and action as provoked by my world around me. I hope you stay with me as we ramble along my path to feminism in action.

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Picture credits:


A-Z Challenge; F is for Feminist Movement Mental Moment

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